Availability of Small Arms and Perceptions of Security in Kenya: An Assessment (Special Report 16)
Small arms availability and misuse have been a problem in Kenya for many years, but the post-2007 election violence increased the urgency of small arms reduction efforts. While significant progress has been made, law enforcement efforts to control the proliferation of small arms still face considerable challenges, according to a new study.
Availability of Small Arms and Perceptions of Security in Kenya: An Assessment—conducted jointly by the Government of Kenya and the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey—assesses small arms proliferation in Kenya, and considers the capacity of those involved in small arms control and peace-building efforts.
The study gathered data through approximately 2,500 interviews with households, representatives of civil society organizations, law enforcement agents, and other key informants across Kenya.
The study revealed that:
- Respondents indicated that civilians may hold between 530,000 and 680,000 firearms.
- Most respondents feel that the number of firearms in circulation has decreased.
- Gun possession in certain areas, such as Mt Elgon and Rift Valley, has increased, despite disarmament programmes.
- The violence around the December 2007 elections has left its mark on the population: most household respondents said they feel the most insecure during election periods.
- Approximately 20 per cent of household respondents were victims of a crime or an act of violence over the year preceding the interviews; forty per cent thought it likely that they would be a victim of violence or crime in the next year.
- More than one-third of those who were victims of crimes were confronted with a firearm.
- Law enforcement agencies are more optimistic than civil society organizations about the success of current efforts to reduce firearm proliferation and increase security.
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Executive summary in English and Swahili
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